Introducing the InCircle project
People with disabilities are mostly unemployed. The main reason is lack of information, lack of interest, inadequate information. The main goal of the project is to improve the conditions for the successful and long-term participation of people with disabilities in the cross-border region.
Target groups of the project: people with disabilities, their family members, teachers, educators, other professionals, social enterprises, and other economic representatives (companies, enterprises)
In Hungary and Serbia, the active age group is approx. 12% have altered working capacity.
People with disabilities are mostly unemployed.
The main reason for their unemployment is lack of information, lack of interest, inadequate information.

Our goal is to provide as much information as possible to MMK people, their relatives, their parents, the educators, educators and other professionals who deal with them. To this end, we organize training for them, where professionals help them to acquire the competencies needed to get or stay in work, to mentally prepare them for employment, which greatly helps them to improve their adaptability, which is essential in the world of work. We would also like to involve their family members and inform them how to obtain the necessary benefits that apply to them. And we draw the attention of educators in the trainings on how to prepare MMK young people for the labor market. With this, our goal is to involve the affected children as soon as possible, to see the world of work as soon as possible, what their opportunities are, as it means to get a job.
In addition, we also organize business conferences so that a joint interaction can be established between social enterprises, other enterprises and institutions in the border regions, new relations can be established, information exchange, exchange of ideas. It also looks at how to develop businesses, promote collaborations, how to motivate MMK people to support employment and their families, and how to provide better conditions for MMK people.
Preparing for HR management: Entrepreneurs can learn how to overcome potential barriers to the inclusion of people with MMK employment, how to provide better access to the market and funds. How they can transition to social enterprise and why this is necessary. How they can improve the attitudes and openness of themselves and their employees towards MMK people, how they can link workplace expectations and tasks to the skills of the MMK person.
In addition, the aim is to develop sheltered workplaces in the organizations involved in the project so that they can accommodate as many MMK people as possible and provide as many suitable conditions as possible for their employees.
A total of 1,773 disabled people live in the municipality of Magyarkanizsa, ie they make up 14% of the population.
Based on these data, and also on the basis of our experience, we believe that it is important to deal with people with MMK. We think that it is worth informing people with disabilities living in the village and their family members as early as possible. Therefore, we also want to involve students from learning disabilities in rural schools, their teachers and the professionals who work with them in the program. In addition to them, we would like to draw the attention of the employers of the municipality to what their options are, as it involves employing a person with a changed ability to work, and what is the legal background for this. In addition to them, we would like to draw the attention of even the citizens of Magyarkanizsa to people with disabilities. With the program we want to build a bridge between the target groups of the project for successful cooperation.
Our goal is to improve the employment situation of the target group on the basis of the right person. Cooperation for the successful integration with the family of the person involved, bodies, organizations and persons providing support services.
Improving successful and long-term labor market conditions and participation of people with disabilities.

Persons with disabilities (hereinafter referred to as MMK)
The concept of persons with reduced working capacity is related to the world of work, as it covers the research aspect of how an impairment (illness), disability or disability affects an individual’s employment and retention; that is, it qualifies the individual through the system of employability criteria.
For the purposes of the Employment Act, a person with a disability: a person who is physically or mentally disabled, or whose chances of employment and job retention after medical rehabilitation are reduced due to physical or mental impairment.
Impairment is a disorder of biological function that manifests as intermittent or permanent physiological or anatomical loss, a disorder (high blood pressure, broken body part).
Disability is a partial or complete, temporary or permanent disorder of human functions (sensory, motor, mental functions such as walking, vision, speech, communication). Thus, a person with a disability is one who does not possess significant or no sensory, locomotor or intellectual abilities, or whose communication is significantly limited.
01.10. 2020 – 31.01.2022.
Project duration